Telepathy is a form of Quantum Communication
Using advanced Quantum Communication Technology light particles in the human brain can be entangled. Once entangled outside sources could then input data into the brain.
Using advanced Quantum Communication Technology light particles in the human brain can be entangled. Once entangled outside sources could then input data into the brain.
Recent Breakthroughs in Quantum Communication Technology has Created New Ways to Search for Extraterrestrial Messages.
The connection between Paranormal Activity is connected to life after life. When we develop the technology to communicate with life after life we will have the ability to exchange knowledge and information crucial to helping us better understand Paranormal and Extraterrestrial Phenomna.
Visible Light Communication far exceeds the amount of data Radio can carry and is just now coming to light. Many people are not aware of this technology but some scientists are starting to see the importance of this Revolutionary Discovery.